So this is our first main storyline comic. Yes, it is long. But funny, I guess. A little more FYI, the girl's name is "Name Please." Her parents abandoned her as a kid, and she was raised by elephants. During her elementary school, the teacher kept asking her for her name. Then she started repeating it over and over. And that became her name. RC's the stickperson (RC is for "Recurring Character") and Dude is the guy who kinda looks like a clown. He's the more lighter and happy-go-luckier of the two friends. Everyone hates Name, however, and throughout the series, she's just a big bowl a failure. Don't ask me why.
So have a read.
Josh Arias
Damn could you be any more of a misogynist. Its no wonder you make the only female character the most hated. I bet you are a 35 year old virgin.
Hey Josh, I finally looked at the website. You have a pretty good idea with the comics, but it could still be much funnier. You're on to something here.
hope they get out of hell...very funny
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